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Role of Police in First Responder Incidents

Ensuring Safety and Support

The police play a crucial role in ensuring safety for all involved in emergency situations, including first responders, patients, and the community.

Priority for Safety

Protection Priority: The primary function of the police is to safeguard the safety of first responders, patients, and the community.

Upon arrival at an incident scene, if there is any indication of danger, such as domestic disputes, violence, or public disturbances, it's imperative to contact control to alert the police.

Role in Managing Incidents: Police intervention is crucial in managing various scenarios, including road traffic collisions and incidents requiring coroner's investigation.

Documentation and Support

It's essential for first responders to document observations and incidents promptly, as this information may be required as evidence later on.

Documentation Importance: Detailed notes and documentation ensure accurate reporting and may be necessary for future legal proceedings.

Collaboration with the police not only ensures safety but also facilitates effective incident management and documentation.

Collaborative Approach: First responders make medical decisions, while the police provide support, maintain a safe environment, and assist in incident management.

Utilizing police support minimizes risks and ensures the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in emergency situations.