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Roles and Responsibilities in Infection Prevention and Control

Universal Precautions

Adherence to universal precautions is paramount:

  • Hand Hygiene: Prioritize good hand hygiene using soap, water, and alcohol gels to reduce bacterial transmission.
  • Equipment Sterilization: Ensure thorough cleaning of equipment between patients to prevent cross-contamination.

Safe Waste Disposal

Proper disposal of waste is essential:

  • Clean Equipment: Equipment must be cleaned and sterilized after each use to maintain hygiene standards.
  • Clothing Hygiene: Maintain cleanliness of clothing and personal hygiene to prevent the spread of infections.

Handling Hazards

Address hazards promptly to minimize risks:

  • Hazard Identification: Identify and mitigate any hazards posed by damaged equipment or infectious substances.
  • Cleaning Protocols: Use appropriate cleaning products to disinfect equipment exposed to infectious materials.

Immediate Reporting

Report any potential incidents of infection without delay:

  • Notify Occupational Health: Inform relevant authorities promptly to undergo necessary testing and monitoring.
  • Timely Action: Take immediate action to address concerns to prevent irreversible consequences.

Key Point:

Timely reporting and proactive measures are crucial in infection prevention and control, safeguarding both healthcare workers and patients.