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Understanding the Ambulance Stretcher: A Comprehensive Overview

An integral piece of equipment in an ambulance, the stretcher, commonly referred to as a 'cot', plays a pivotal role in transporting patients safely.

Key Features of the Ambulance Stretcher

Harness System

The harness system extends over the shoulders, waist, and thighs. It is imperative that patients are securely fastened at all these points to prevent accidents.

Sides and Clips

The cot sides, equipped with a clip, can be lowered for easy patient transfer. It's vital that these are securely locked in place during patient movement.

Fluids Line Holder

This adjustable holder is designed for hanging fluid bags. It should be properly stowed to avoid hindrance while attending to patients on the stretcher.

Button Operations and Handles

Modern stretchers are battery-operated. Using the lift and lower buttons, the stretcher can be adjusted. It also features top handles for manoeuvring and bottom handles for loading.

Adjustments and Features

Various adjustments such as elevating legs, bending the stretcher, and adjusting the headrest position are possible through red points, tabs, and straps. These facilitate patient comfort and efficient treatment.

Steering and Stability

Steering is executed by the person at the front, whilst the one at the rear propels the stretcher. Proper posture and height adjustment are essential to ensure safety.

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